Mobile Application | 2016
Archaeo. Museum of Sousse

Experience culture in a new way through a mobile application where ancient gods come to life from their mosaics. All of this and more augmented experiences around the museum await you.
Developing iOS and Android solutions featuring next-generation AR technologies like ARKit and ARCore.
Taking the user experience to the next level with the design of interactive experiential 3D content.
Crafting innovative and genuine holographic concepts combining tailor-made software and hardware.
Designing AI enabled connected devices and intelligent systems with a scalable backend infrastructure.
Experience culture in a new way through a mobile application where ancient gods come to life from their mosaics. All of this and more augmented experiences around the museum await you.
A connected device describing your location's real-time weather in 3D. Additionaly, it displays a 3-day forecast and a random quote per day. Custom 3D content integration is available.
A two-meters wide pyramid hologram for shocasing products at conferences and networking events. the content is designed in 3D and allows for interaction with motion sensors.
Galactic Admiral
Mecatronic Ambassador
Dream Alchemist